Fundamental Philosophies Of Programming: Series [EP 3]

Fundamental Philosophies Of Programming: Series [EP 3]


  1. YAGNI & KISS - Simplicity is Key [EP 1]

  2. DRY - Do Not Repeat Yourself [EP 2]

  3. Coherence [EP 3]

  4. Maintainance - [EP 4]

  5. Analyses - [EP 5]

  6. Agility - [EP 6]

  7. Accuracy - [EP 7]

  8. TDD - [EP 8]

Hey There! Welcome to this continuum to my series as I try to help share best programming practices, I hope you enjoyed the past two episodes. In this episode, we look into Coherence, enjoy.

Coherence: The Key to Best Programming Practice

Table of contents

• Introduction

• Examples of incoherent code

• The benefits of coherence

• How to achieve coherence

• Tools for achieving coherence

• Coherence in real-life applications

• Conclusion


Programming without coherence is like a chef cooking without a recipe - it may work, but the end result is often a mess. Coherence refers to the organization and structure of code, and its importance cannot be overstated. Coherent code is easier to read and understand, making it more efficient to work with. It also simplifies the debugging process, making it a no-brainer for any programming project. As a programmer, ensuring your code is coherent is critical. Without it, your code may not function as intended, leading to frustrated users who may perceive your application negatively. Therefore, making coherent programming a habit is essential if you want to produce high-quality code that works efficiently and effectively. So let's delve deeper into the world of coherence and explore ways to achieve it!

Examples of incoherent code

Have you ever come across a piece of code that made you want to pull your hair out? You know, the type that's all over the place, with variable names that make zero sense and formatting that you need a magnifying glass to read? Yeah, that's what we call incoherent code. Unorganized code structure takes the top spot on the list of culprits for incoherent code. Without a clear structure, it's difficult to follow the flow of the code and understand how different functions and variables are related. Additionally, undefined variable names make it challenging to remember what each variable represents, which can lead to confusion and errors down the line. To add to this, inconsistent formatting makes it hard to zone in on important parts of the code, increasing the time required to debug. In short, incoherent code is a nightmare. But fret not—there are ways to avoid it, which we'll delve into shortly.

The benefits of coherence

Coherence is an essential aspect of best programming practice. Not only does it improve readability and maintainability, but it also increases efficiency and simplifies debugging. Imagine spending hours trying to find a bug in a piece of code that is poorly organized and lacks consistency. Now imagine how much easier it would be to locate the bug in a coherent code structure that follows consistent naming conventions, a standard code structure, and consistent formatting. Improving readability means that code can be easily understood and maintained by other team members, not to mention the future version of oneself. The use of consistent naming conventions throughout the code ensures that variables and functions are easy to identify and makes the code easier to follow. Consistency in code formatting, such as indentation, bracket placement, and spacing, also contributes to readability and allows for easier code scanning. Efficiency can be improved by reducing the time it takes to navigate and debug the code. In a coherent codebase, it is much easier to identify code duplication and reuse existing code. Not having to rewrite the same code repeatedly saves time, and with coherence, code reuse becomes natural. Code that follows coherent practices is also easier to debug. When an error is encountered, the developer can more quickly identify where the problem is occurring and locate the offending code. And by ensuring that code follows consistent practices in the first place, developers can avoid many common types of errors that arise from unorganized or confusing code. In short, coherence is an essential aspect of best programming practice. It improves readability, increases efficiency, and simplifies debugging. By following consistent naming conventions, a standard code structure, and consistent formatting, the code is more maintainable, code duplication is reduced, and debugging is more straightforward.

How to achieve coherence

Coherence in programming is crucial to writing readable and efficient code, as well as simplifying the debugging process. Here are some key points to achieving coherence in your code: Use consistent naming conventions for variables, functions, and classes. This helps developers easily understand the purpose of each element in the codebase. Avoid vague or confusing names, as well as single-letter variable names that don't provide any context. Follow a standard code structure, such as the Model-View-Controller pattern or SOLID principles. A consistent code structure makes it easier for developers to navigate through the codebase and find specific components. This also helps to prevent code duplication and enforce good coding practices. Implement consistent formatting throughout the codebase. This includes indentation, spacing, and punctuation. Adopt a standardized formatting style and stick to it. This will help you avoid inconsistencies, making the code easier to read and understand. By following these principles, you create a codebase that is easy to read, navigate, and maintain. Plus, it helps to prevent errors caused by inconsistencies in naming conventions and code structure. Humorously speaking, we should aim to write code that's easy to read, not ones that make our eyes bleed.

Tools for achieving coherence

Tools for achieving coherence: Code linters and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are essential tools for any programmer striving to produce coherent code. Code linters analyze code for potential errors, warnings, and style violations based on predefined rules. This helps developers identify and fix issues that may compromise coherence. IDEs, on the other hand, provide a full suite of tools for software development, including code editors, compilers, and debuggers. This helps developers write coherent code from the ground up without having to worry about technical nuances. Both code linters and IDEs can improve coherence by enforcing coding conventions, formatting, and naming. With these tools, any programmer, regardless of experience, can achieve coherence in their code and produce high-quality software.

Coherence in real-life applications

Coherence is not just a programming concept, but it's a way of life. It's a method that should be applied throughout the development of real-life applications. Google, for instance, has institutionalised this way of thinking. They popularize following a well-structured coding pattern across their products. They emphasise that code that is easy to read is easy to maintain. In fact, they've developed and published a set of coding patterns named "Google's C++ Style Guide". It's a complete set of instructions on how to ensure coherence in coding practices. Open-source projects such as Bootstrap and Angular make great use of coherence in their coding practices, resulting in thousands of contributory developers to their projects. By having an already established coherence standard, contributed developments can easily fall in line with existing code without disrupting the structure long maintained - This ensures better code efficiency in less time. In essence, coherence should never be overlooked. Developing a practice of coherence in coding not only improves efficiency but also reduces room for error, making debugging less stressful. What's more, it saves time, allowing the developer to concentrate better on what's critical in the code.


To wrap it up, coherence is the key to successful programming. Consistent naming conventions, a standard code structure, and formatting are essential in achieving coherence. Using tools such as code linters and IDEs can also help improve coherence. Coherent code not only improves readability and efficiency but also simplifies debugging. In real-life applications, Google's coding practices serve as the perfect example of successful coherence. To sum up, coherence is crucial in programming, and its benefits cannot be emphasized enough.

I hope this, as short as it is, adds some value to your journey in development and producing state of the art applications